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Climate: US drought threatens price of food as hot weather fries corn

"Parched fields drives up price of corn, with higher prices likely to be passed on in the cost of hamburgers, steak and bread"

Category: Climate Change


How not to solve nuclear power's trust problem

"Continued secrecy, shown in stupidly brief minutes of official meetings, and entrenched attitudes lead to daft ideas like community-owned reactors"


Nuclear waste-burning reactor moves a step closer to reality

"Feasibility study shows GE-Hitachi's proposed Prism fast reactor could offer a solution to the UK's plutonium waste stockpile"


X-rays reveal secrets of Roman coins

"New technique could dramatically speed up assessing the significance of archaeological finds"

Category: Radiation


Higgs boson: A cause for celebration. But will it be our last great discovery?

"It will take more than last week's scientific breakthrough to secure the continued quest for the cosmos's secrets"

Category: Big Science

Displaying results 186 to 190 out of 2977